I am very proud to have my article on Miyawaki Forests featured in the summer publication of ArbMag.

The article continues our recent theme of Miyawaki forest regeneration and how the method can be applied to our own Wee Forests.

Biodiversity and soil health are two of the most important factors to consider in our efforts against climate change. They enable natural resilience and lead to increased carbon sequestration by forests.

ARB MAGAZINE | Issue 197 Summer 2022 | Science & Opinion

Read the full article, ‘Forests for the Future’ (PDF / 765kb).

I came across the method while looking for the best solution for a client; I have spent a lot of time researching it and have fallen in love with it – the biodiversity gains are fantastic!

I hope this will become standard for new plantings, where it suits the site. I also have hopes that this will become a standard for developers to implement as part of their Biodiversity Net Gain obligations.

Check out my case study for a Wee Forest that I planted last year.

Thanks to the Arboricultural Association for letting me re-publish the article on my site.